competition: n. 1.竞争。 2.比赛,竞赛。 3.【生物学】生存竞争。 a boxing competition拳击比赛。 competitionin arms 军备竞赛。 be [stand] in competition with (sb.) for 为…和(某人)竞争。 put (sb.) in [into] competition with ...使(某人)与(另一人)竞争。
This means the telecom industry will find itself in an environment of more acute competition 下面,对上述三方面的问题再作进一步的讨论。
Especially after its admission to wto , china will open its telecom market wider , and the entry of foreign operators and low - tariff products will bring more acute competition into our mobile market 我国加入wto后,电信市场的进一步开放,国外运营商的进入和产品低关税的涌入,将在我国移动通信市场形成更加激烈的竞争局面。
In facing of the acute competition , how to develop the chinese auto industry as china ' s entry into the wto ? how to seize the opportunities for great development while counterattacking the challenges 我国入世后,汽车工业将置身于一个全面开放的竞争格局,我国汽车工业的现状及世界汽车工业的发展形势,将使我国汽车工业面临新的机遇与挑战。
After china became one member of wto , more and more foreign corporations enter into chinese market . the marketing strategy of enterprise is very important for its development because of the change of environments and the acute competition 随着中国加入wto ,越来越多的外国公司进入中国市场,中国企业所处的外部环境的变化和市场竞争的加剧。
This is a knowledge economy which is characterized by the knowledge innovation and application . with the development in the technology and acute competition , whether a nation is powerful or weak is decided by the people ' s quality 21世纪是以知识的创新和应用为重要特征的知识经济时代,科学技术迅猛发展,国际竞争日趋激烈,国力的强弱越来越取决于劳动者的素质。